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Rectangular Autoclave With Automatic And Panel

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PLC / Microprocessor

The control system is based on 'state-of the art1 microcomputer technology, guaranteeing high reliability and safe operation, The computerized control unit ensures a fully automatic operation throughout the entire cycle. No futures intervention is necessary after selecting the parameters and pressing the start button, The main cycle phase and the machine's actual parameters are displayed on the LCD panel during the cycle progress. The main physical parameters of the process, i.e. temperature, pressure, time and jacket pressure are controlled and displayed. The keyboard located on the front panel enables the operator to select a programs, start and stop the cycle, and allows a trained technician to preset the main parameters using an access code. The control system is easy to use and programmable


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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
B. O. D. Incubator, Bulk Autoclave, Cylindrical High Pressure Steam Sterilizer, Cylindrical Sterilizer, D. H. S, Distilled Water Plant, Double Door Flush Mounting, Dry Heat Sterilizers, Dry Sterillizer, Heat Sterilizers, High Pressure Steam Sterilizer, Horizontal Cylindrical High Pressure Steam Sterilizer, Horizontal Rectangular Highpressure Bulk Steam Sterilizer, Humidity Control Oven, Multicoloum, Optimal, Oven, Pressure Steam Sterilizer, Products, Pure Steam Generator, Pure Steam Generators, Rectangular Autoclave, Rectangular Autoclave With Automatic And Panel, Rectangular Highpressure Bulk Steam Sterilizer, Rubber Stopper Processor, Sliding Door Autoclave, Steam Sterilizer, Sterilizers, Tray Dryer, Vertical And Single Drum Autoclave